
  • ECSAC’s objective is to provide services to our community related to immigration, housing, education, healthcare, homelessness, childcare, and other issues arising. 

  • Increase access to services and opportunities, individually and collectively.

  • We strive to serve as a bridge between the Ethiopian community and non-profits, government agencies, and law enforcement. 

  • Protect and advance the rights of immigrants and the Ethiopian community.

  • Foster civic participation and community engagement.

  • Advance an equitable, just, and inclusive society for all.

Ethiopian Community Support and Advocacy Center (ECSAC)


ECSAC envisions to be a strong, community-focused organization mindful of the diverse Ethiopian culture. Our aim is to establish well informed, engaged Ethiopian community members capable of making meaningful contributions to society.


ECSAC (Ethiopian Community Support and Advocacy Center) is a nonprofit organization located in Alexandria, Virginia. ECSAC works to support the effective integration of Ethiopian community members in the DMV, overcome the challenges in adjusting to their new lives, and achieve economic self-sufficiency through education and information sharing about available resources.